Friday, January 18, 2008

gDEbugger for OpenGL ES

So I decided to test the gDEbugger from graphicREMEDY for OpenGL ES. I got an error message indicating a second hand exception and there was not much I can do about it. I posted my problem in their online forum, but did not get any response so far.
I guess with the decreasing market of OpenGL there is not much money in providing a debugger for this API. In games, less companies do PC games anymore and OpenGL is not used by any AAA title anymore on the main PC platform Windows.
I was hoping that they target the upcoming OpenGL ES market, but this might be still in its infanty. If anyone knows a tool to debug OpenGL ES similar to PIX or GcmReplay, I would appreciate a hint. To debug I would work on the PC platform ... in other words I have a PC and an iPhone version of the game :-)
Update January 19th: graphicRemedy actually came back to me and asked me to send in source code ... very nice.


  1. This might be just what you're looking for:

    (Incidentally, Dan Ginsburg was my supervisor at ATI.)


  2. I was under the impression OpenGL was becoming more mainstream for PC game titles?

    Wolf, is that from experience of your job or is this actually the case?


  3. <<<
    I was under the impression OpenGL was becoming more mainstream for PC game titles?
    Hmm what makes you believe this. On the PC OpenGL is dead because there are no useful drivers anymore. Before that all the drivers were good as long as your game engine was based on a similar pattern as DOOM III. On the PS3 we use libgcm that is very similar to Direct3D ... just not named as such. The OpenGL ES implementation that some people think is available on the PS3 is just build on libgcm ... so not useful for games. The XBOX 360 supports Direct3D ... mobile devices support both D3D and OGL and OGL ES seems to be available on the majority of them ... this is cool but there is not much business to do on those platforms :-)

  4. Ahh, under the impression since the Doom games put quite a bit of empthasis on being cross platform and its a rather large brand. Admittedly now I think on this, I suppose your right,virtually every game I have got uses DX, but most of the recent ones I've bought seem to have OpenGL libraries on the CD... Interesting.

    On a side note which is totally unrelated to OpenGL ES :P I hear you were the first to use CSM in a commercial application and was wondering whether there was a whitepaper for this at all, I get the idea I was just wondering about some of the implementation ideas for a project I'm working on. I know John Carmack first mentioned them at GDC2006, but there isn't a whitepaper I've seen so far. Though there is a good demo on PSSM which seems similar.


    P.S I would like to say a good job with the ShaderX Books, which I've checked out from my local library, they seem very informative though I could only get the 2 and 3rd :(, I think your on the sixth now!

  5. Hey Jamie,
    if you want to look into Cascaded Shadow Maps you might want to check out the article in ShaderX5. There is also an interesting article in GPU Gems 3 now with example code. They call it Parallel-Split shadow maps there.

    Have a great day,
    - Wolf
