Sunday, December 28, 2008

Major Oolong Update

Two days ago I commited a major Oolong update. Please check out the Oolong Engine blog at

I updated the memory manager, the math library, upgraded to the latest POWERVR POD format and added to each example VBO support. Please also note that in previous updates a new memory manager was added, the VFP math library was added and a bunch of smaller changes were done as well.
The things on my list are: looking into the sound manager ... it seems like the current version allocates memory in the frame and adding the DOOM III level format as a game format. Obviously zip support would be nice as well ... let's see how far I get.


  1. Hey there, I'm really interested in using your engine but can't find the download on the Google Code anymore. I feel like I'm being directed in circles trying to find the download. ;)

  2. You need a SVN manager. Then click on source on the google code page and follow the instructions.

  3. Great engine for iphone game. I have start on my first iphone game base on your engine. Lack of simple/basic tutorial but the examples are enough for me to start.
    May be your are busy but may I know when is the next update? :)

  4. svn oolongengine-read-only

  5. any explanation ... I don't see anything unexpected in your post.
