There is a new lighting approach that extends the Light Pre-Pass idea. It is called Inferred Lighting and it was presented by Scott Kircher and Alan Lawrence from Volition. Here is the link
They assume a Light Pre-pass concept as covered here on this blog with three passes. The geometry pass where they fill up the buffer, the lighting pass where light properties are rendered into a light buffer and a material pass in which the whole scene is rendered again, this time re-constructing different materials.
Their approach adds several new techniques to the toolset used to do deferred lighting / Light Pre-Pass.
1. They use a much smaller G-Buffer and Light buffer with a size of 800x540 on the XBOX 360. This way their memory bandwidth usage and pixel shading cost should be greatly reduced.
2. To upscale the final light buffer, they use Discontinuity Sensitive Filtering. During the geometry pass, one 16 bit channel of the DSF buffer is filled with the linear depth of the pixel, the other 16 bit channel is filled with an ID value that semi-uniquely identifies continuous regions. The upper 8 bits are an object ID, assigned per-object (renderable instance) in the scene. Since 8 bits only allows 256 unique object IDs, scenes with more than this number of ob-jects will have some objects sharing the same ID.
The lower 8 bits of the channel contain a normal-group ID. This ID is pre-computed and assigned to each face of the mesh. Anywhere the mesh has continuous normals, the ID is also continuous. A normal is continuous across an edge if and only if the two triangles share the same normal at both vertices of the edge.
By comparing normal-group IDs the discontinuity sensitive filter can detect normal discontinuities without actually having to reconstruct and compare normals. Both the object ID and normal-group ID must exactly match the material pass polygon being rendered before the light buffer sample can be used (depth must also match withinan adjustable threshold).
During the material pass, the pixel shader computes the locations of the four light buffer texels that would normally be accessed if regular bilinear filtering would be used. These four locations are point sampled from the DSF buffer. The depth and ID values retrieved from the DSF buffer are compared against the depth and ID of the object being rendered. The results of this comparison are used to bias the usual bilinear filtering weights so as to discard samples that do not belong to the surface currently rendering. These biased weights are then used in custom bilinear filtering of the light buffer. Since the filter only uses the light buffer samples that belong to the object being rendered, the resulting lighting gives the illusion of being at full resolution. This same method works even when the framebuffer is multisampled (hardware MSAA), however sub-pixel artifacts can occur, due to the pixel shader only being run once per pixel, rather than once per sample.
The authors report that such sub-pixel artifacts are typically not noticeable.
3. The authors of this paper also implemented a technique that allows to render alpha polygons with the Light Pre-Pass / Deferred lighting. It is based on stippling and the usage of the DSF filtering.
During the geometry pass the alpha polygons are rendered using a stipple pattern, so that their G-Buffer samples are interleaved with opaque polygon samples.
In the material pass the DSF for opaque polygons will automatically reject stippled alpha pixels, and alpha polygons are handled by finding the four closest light buffer samples in the same stipple pattern, again using DSF to make sure the samples were not overwritten by some other geometry.
Since the stipple pattern is a 2x2 regular pattern, the effect is that the alpha polygon gets lit at half the resolution of opaque objects. Opaque objects covered by one layer of alpha have a slightly reduced lighting resolution (one out of every four samples cannot be used).