Tuesday, September 30, 2008

64-bit VISTA Tricks

I got a new notebook today with 64-bit VISTA pre-installed. It will replace a Desktop that had 64-bit VISTA on there. My friend Andy Firth provided me with the following tricks to make my life easier (it has a 64 GB solid state in there, so no hard-drive optimizations):

Switch Off User Account Control
This gets rid of the on-going "are you sure" questions.
Go to Control Panel. Click on User Account and switch it off.

Disable Superfetch
Press Windows key + R. Start services.msc and scroll down until you find Superfetch. Double click on it and change the startup type to Disabled.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Light Pre-Pass: More Blood

I spent some more time with the Light Pre-Pass renderer. Here are my assumptions:

N.H^n = (N.L * N.H^n * Att) / (N.L * Att)

This division happens in the forward rendering path. The light source has its own shininess value in there == the power n value. With the specular component extracted, I can apply the material shininess value like this.


Then I can re-construct the Blinn-Phong lighting equation. The data stored in the Light Buffer is treated like one light source. As a reminder, the first three channels of the light buffer hold:

N.L * Att * DiffuseColor

Color = Ambient + (LightBuffer.rgb * MatDiffInt) + MatSpecInt * (N.H^n)^mn * N.L * Att

So how could I do this :-)

N.H^n = (N.L * N.H^n * Att) / (N.L * Att)

N.L * Att is not in any channel of the Light buffer. How can I get this? The trick here is to convert the first three channels of the Light Buffer to luminance. The value should be pretty close to N.L * Att.
This also opens up a bunch of ideas for different materials. Every time you need the N.L * Att term you replace it with luminance. This should give you a wide range of materials.
The results I get are very exciting. Here is a list of advantages over a Deferred Renderer:
- less cost per light (you calculate much less in the Light pass)
- easier MSAA
- more material variety
- less read memory bandwidth -> fetches only two instead of the four textures it takes in a Deferred Renderer
- runs on hardware without ps_3_0 and MRT -> runs on DX8.1 hardware

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Shader Workflow - Why Shader Generators are Bad

[quote]As far as I can tell from this discussion, no one has really proposed an alternative to shader permutations, merely they've been proposing ways of managing those permutations.[/quote]

If you define shader permutations as having lots of small differences but using the same code than you have to live with the fact that whatever is send to the hardware is a full-blown shader, even if you have exactly the same skinning code in every other shader.
So the end result is always the same ... whatever you do on the level above that.
What I describe is a practical approach to handle shaders with a high amount of material variety and a good workflow.
Shaders are some of the most expensive assets in production value and time spend of the programming team. They need to be the highest optimized piece of code we have, because it is much harder to squeeze out performance from a GPU than from a CPU.
Shader generators or a material editor (.. or however you call it) are not an appropriate way to generate or handle shaders because they are hard to maintain, offer not enough material variety and are not very efficient because it is hard to hand optimize code that is generated on the fly.
This is why developers do not use them and do not want to use them. It is possible that they play a role in indie or non-profit development so because those teams are money and time constraint and do not have to compete in the AAA sector.
In general the basic mistake people make that think that ueber-shaders or material editors or shader generators would make sense is that they do not understand how to program a graphics card. They assume it would be similar to programming a CPU and therefore think they could generate code for those cards.
It would make more sense to generate code on the fly for CPUs (... which also happens in the graphics card drivers) and at other places (real-time assemblers) than for GPUs because GPUs do not have anything close to linear performance behaviours. The difference between a performance hotspot and a point where you made something wrong can be 1:1000 in time (following a presentation from Matthias Wloka). You hand optimize shaders to hit those hotspots and the way you do it is that you analyze the results provided by PIX and other tools to find out where the performance hotspot of the shader is.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

ARM VFP ASM development

Following Matthias Grundmann's invitation to join forces I setup a Google code repository for this:


The idea is to have a math library that is optimized for the VFP unit of an ARM processor. This should be useful on the iPhone / iPod touch.

Friday, September 12, 2008

More Mobile Development

Now that I had so much fun with the iPhone I am thinking about new challenges in the mobile phone development area. The Touch HD looks like a cool target. It has a DX8-class ATI graphics card in there. Probably on par with the iPhone graphics card and you can program it in C/C++ which is important for the performance.
Depending on how easy it will be to get Oolong running on this I will extend Oolong to support this platform as well.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shader Workflow

I just posted a forum message about what I consider an ideal shader workflow in a team. I thought I share it here:

Setting up a good shader workflow is easy. You just setup a folder that is called shaderlib, then you setup a folder that is called shader. In shaderlib there are files like lighting.fxh, utility.fxh, normals.fxh, skinning.fxh etc. and in the directory shader there are files like metal.fx, skin.fx, stone.fx, eyelashes.fx, eyes.fx. In each of those *.fx files there is a technique for whatever special state you need. You might have in there techniques like lit, depthwrite etc..
All the "intelligence" is in the shaderlib directory in the *.fxh files. The fx files just stitch together function calls. The HLSL compiler resolves those function calls by inlining the code.
So it is easy to just send someone the shaderlib directory with all the files in there and share your shader code this way.
In the lighting.fxh include file you will have all kinds of lighting models like Ashikhmin-Shirley, Cook-Torrance or Oren-Nayar and obviously Blinn-Phong or just a different BRDF that can mimic a certain material especially good. In normals.fxh you have routines that can fetch normals in different ways and unpack them. Obviously all the DXT5 and DXT1 tricks are in there but also routines that let you fetch height data to generate normals from it. In utility.fxh you have support for different color spaces, special optimizations for different platforms, like special texture fetches etc. In skinning.fxh you have all code related to skinning and animation ... etc.
If you give this library to a graphics programmer he obviously has to put together the shader on his own but he can start looking at what is requested and use different approaches to see what fits best for the job. He does not have to come up with ways on how to generate a normal from height or color data or how to deal with different color spaces.
For a good, efficient and high quality workflow in a game team, this is what you want.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Calculating Screen-Space Texture Coordinates for the 2D Projection of a Volume

Calculating screen space texture coordinates for the 2D projection of a volume is more complicated than for an already transformed full-screen quad. Here is a step-by-step approach on how to achieve this:

1. Transforming position into projection space is done in the vertex shader by multiplying the concatenated World-View-Projection matrix.

2. The Direct3D run-time will now divide those values by Z; stored in the W component. The resulting position is then considered in clipping space, where the x and y value is clipped to the [-1.0, 1.0] range.

xclip = xproj / wproj
yclip = yproj / wproj

3. Then the Direct3D run-time transforms position into viewport space from the value range [-1.0, 1.0] to the range [0.0, ScreenWidth/ScreenHeight].

xviewport = xclipspace * ScreenWidth / 2 + ScreenWidth / 2
yviewport = -yclipspace * ScreenHeight / 2 + ScreenHeight / 2

This can be simplified to:

xviewport = (xclipspace + 1.0) * ScreenWidth / 2
yviewport = (1.0 - yclipspace ) * ScreenHeight / 2

The result represents the position on the screen. The y component need to be inverted because in world / view / projection space it increases in the opposite direction than in screen coordinates.

4. Because the result should be in texture space and not in screen space, the coordinates need to be transformed from clipping space to texture space. In other words from the range [-1.0, 1.0] to the range [0.0, 1.0].

u = (xclipspace + 1.0) * 1 / 2
v = (1.0 - yclipspace ) * 1 / 2

5. Due to the texturing algorithm used by Direct3D, we need to adjust texture coordinates by half a texel:

u = (xclipspace + 1.0) * ½ + ½ * TargetWidth
v = (1.0 - yclipspace ) * ½ + ½ * TargetHeight

Plugging in the x and y clipspace coordinates results from step 2:

u = (xproj / wproj + 1.0) * ½ + ½ * TargetWidth
v = (1.0 - yproj / wproj ) * ½ + ½ * TargetHeight

6. Because the final calculation of this equation should happen in the vertex shader results will be send down through the texture coordinate interpolator registers. Interpolating 1/ wproj is not the same as 1 / interpolated wproj. Therefore the term 1/ wproj needs to be extracted and applied in the pixel shader.

u = 1/ wproj * ((xproj + wproj) * ½ + ½ * TargetWidth * wproj)
v = 1/ wproj * ((wproj - yproj) * ½ + ½ * TargetHeight* wproj)

The vertex shader source code looks like this:

Float4 vPos = float4(0.5 * (float2(p.x + p.w, p.w – p.y) + p.w * inScreenDim.xy), pos.zw)

The equation without the half pixel offset would start at No. 4 like this:

u = (xclipspace + 1.0) * 1 / 2
v = (1.0 - yclipspace ) * 1 / 2

Plugging in the x and y clipspace coordinates results from step 2:

u = (xproj / wproj + 1.0) * ½
v = (1.0 - yproj / wproj ) * ½

Moving 1 / wproj to the front leads to:

u = 1/ wproj * ((xproj + wproj) * ½)
v = 1/ wproj * ((wproj - yproj) * ½)

Because the pixel shader is doing the 1 / wproj, this would lead to the following vertex shader code:

Float4 vPos = float4(0.5 * (float2(p.x + p.w, p.w – p.y)), pos.zw)

All this is based on a response of mikaelc in the following thread:

Lighting in a Deferred Renderer and a response by Frank Puig Placeres in the following thread:

Reconstructing Position from Depth Data

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Gauss Filter Kernel

Just found a good tutorial on how to setup a Gauss filter kernel here:

OpenGL Bloom Tutorial

The interesting part is that he shows a way on how to generate the offset values and he also mentions a trick that I use for a long time. He reduces the filter kernel size by utilizing the hardware linear filtering. So he can go down from 5 to 3 taps. I usually use bilinear filtering to go down from 9 to 4 taps or 25 to 16 taps (with non-separable filter kernels) ... you got the idea.

Eric Haines just reminded me of the fact that this is also described in ShaderX2 - Tips and Tricks on page 451. You can find the -now free- book at


BTW: Eric Haines contacted all the authors of this book to get permission to make it "open source". I would like to thank him for this.
Check out his blog at
